This blog is in no way related to Vethal Kuzhambu (a tasty South Indian concoction made primarily with tamarind and spices), but it sure is interesting.
In statistical terms it is called "Correlation implies causation". In simple english cum hoc ergo propter hoc, which in latin means "with this, therefore because of this".
Successful people drink more because they can afford more alcohol and also these successful people do a lot of social drinking because of the high-class social network.
In statistical terms it is called "Correlation implies causation". In simple english cum hoc ergo propter hoc, which in latin means "with this, therefore because of this".
Successful people drink more because they can afford more alcohol and also these successful people do a lot of social drinking because of the high-class social network.
sooper pic da... enga iruntha da pudicha....
Kewl pic da.. kalakura..
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