Monday, July 16, 2007

Everybody needs solitude!

"Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god." - Aristotle

I cherish my solitude. I don't know if I'm a beast or a God, but it does help to take some time out for myself, to figure things out. But apparently, my solitude comes at price - I'm told that I'm aloof..that I don't reveal much of what's going on inside my head. When in college, a frustrated friend tried (a lot) to get into my head, by constantly asking me what I was thinking. She finally gave up! But if everybody were vocal and forthcoming with their thoughts, the world would be such a loud place to live in.

That's exactly what's happening now at ISB. Everybody has something to say. Some rarely think before voicing their thoughts. Sometimes it gets too loud, making it mandatory to tune out. That's exactly what I've been doing since yesterday evening. I put my books away, went for long walks, listened to a lot of music, finished reading "The Children of Hurin" (more on this later) and also managed to wash my clothes. Not surprisingly, I was quite relaxed before and during the exams today.

Wish people enjoyed their solitude as much as I do.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

That's the question!

Should I? Or should I not? Wish I knew the answer to this question.