A story(?) revolving around the Kaala-bandar/Monkey man who terrorised the streets of Chandni Chowk, a NRI's cliched perspective of India, an oft-repeated message about Hindu-muslim unity...this is Delhi-6 for you.
The movie does have its moments. Using the kaala-bandar, the mirror concept and the Ram-Leela festival as metaphors to show that both good and evil reside within everybody, are smart moves. After the movie, I realised the purpose of the mirror on the audio CD cover only when Varsha mentioned it. Besides Abhishek Bachchan who does his usual "I'm too cool" act, all the other actors have done a very good job. Cinematography is great. ARR's BGM is good.
Negatives?? The editing is pretty bad..One actually feels like surfing channels on TV. The characters are all unidimensional characters straight out of the 1980's television show "Nukkad". This album is one of ARR's best work, but the director has done absolute and total injustice while filming the songs. Except for Masakkali, most of the other songs are shown in bits and pieces. And the climax - a big letdown. There is absolutely no build-up and quite predictably, the movie ends with a whimper.
Pretty disappointing fare, especially after Rang De Basanti.